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7 Top-Ernährungstipps für einen gesunden Winter

Im Winter sind die Tage kürzer, das Wetter ist oft schlecht und der Urlaub fühlt sich immer viel zu weit weg an... Es gibt viele Faktoren, die uns dazu führen, Komfort in anderen Dingen zu suchen, und dabei bleibt unsere Ernährung oft auf der Strecke und wir nehmen ein paar Pfunde zu, die wir vor dem nächsten Frühling wieder verlieren müssen!

Es ist aber möglich, Erkältungen und Gewichtszunahmen zu vermeiden und stattdessen einen positiven Ausblick zu behalten und die Saison sogar zu genießen! Hier sind die besten 7 Ernährungstipps, denen du folgen solltest um einen gesunden Winter zu erleben.

Iss viel Obst, das reich an Vitamin C ist

Und wie praktisch, es ist sogar die Saison dieser Früchte! Orangen, Clementinen, Mandarinen, Zitronen, Kiwis – Egal was du dir aussuchst und egal ob du sie ist oder als Saft trinkst, genieße sie einfach!

Bei Säften solltest du sie natürlich selbst machen und direkt nach dem Pressen der Früchte trinken, ansonsten gehen viele der Vitamine verloren.

Durch Säfte kannst du sehr einfach bis zu vier Portionen Obst pro Tag zu dir nehmen. Du kannst auch einige exotische Früchte wie Mangos, Ananas oder Passionsfrucht dazu mischen. Sie sind köstlich, verbessern deine Laune und bringen ein bisschen Sonne in dein Leben!

Diese Früchte geben dir deine tägliche Dosis Vitamin C, mit der du die Erkältungen und Ermüdungserscheinungen des Winters vermeiden kannst.


Vitamine C et bien-etre

Iss Fisch, vor allem den mit viel Fett, um deine Dosis Vitamin D zu bekommen

Wir nennen Vitamin D oft das „Sonnenschein-Vitamin“, weil es in unseren Körpern durch Sonneneinstrahlung produziert wird. Wenn ultraviolette Strahlung (UVBs) unsere nackte Haut treffen, dann löst dies die Produktion von Vitamin D aus. Daher fehlt uns dieses Vitamin auch oft im Winter! Normalerweise liefert uns unsere Ernährung höchsten ein Drittel unseres Vitamin D-Bedarfs. Aber diese kleine Menge ist im Winter extrem wichtig!

Daher empfehlen wir dir, gekochten Lachs, eingelegten Hering, gekochte Makrele, Sardinen in Öl und sogar Austern zu essen. Wer es mag kann auch Dorschleber und dessen Öl zu sich nehmen, da diese besonders reich an Vitamin D sind. Wir empfehlen, dass du diese Art von Nahrungsmitteln mindestens 4 Mal pro Woche isst.


Falls dir diese Nahrungsmittel nicht schmecken könnte es nötig sein, einige Vitamin D-Präparate zu dir zu nehmen. Du kannst diesbezüglich auch deinen Arzt oder Apotheker fragen.

Iss reichlich saisonales Gemüse, um deinen Bedarf an Ballaststoffen, Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen zu decken

Die Natur hat ihren Job gut gemacht: Wintergemüse ist besonders reich an Ballaststoffen, Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen, die dein Körper während dieser Saison alle braucht!

Diese Dinge findest du im Winter in den Regalen:

- Wurzelgemüse : Von der traditionelleren orangen Karotte und seinen älteren gelben, violetten und weißen Cousins und den violetten oder goldenen Steckrüben und der roten Bette, bis zu weniger bekannten Gemüsesorten wie der Pastinake, der Kohlrübe und der Topinambur...

- Kohl in allen Formen, Größen und Farben!

- Nicht zu vergessen die leckeren Kürbisse und Butternusskürbise!

All diese köstlichen Gemüsesorten können in Suppen, Eintöpfen und Gemüsepfannen sowie auch gedämpft oder geschmort genossen werden. Einige von ihnen eignen sich auch zur Herstellungen von Detox-Säften!

Wir empfehlen dir, einige dieser Gemüsesorten zu jeder Mahlzeit zu essen: Mindestens zwei Arten pro Mahlzeit wird dich mit all den Ballaststoffen, Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen versorgen die du brauchst!

Ein toller Tipp ist, immer frische Produkte zu essen: Kein Essen aus Dosen, keine Fertiggerichte und keine Tiefkühlgerichte! Hochwertige, frische Nahrungsmittel zu kaufen dauert nicht länger und sie sind besser für dich, deine Familie, die Hersteller und den Planeten! Aber das weißt du wahrscheinlich bereits. Außerdem kann es viel Spaß machen, deinen Liebsten eine gute Mahlzeit zuzubereiten und einen Moment Entspannung zu genießen und die Probleme des Alltags dabei zu vergessen!

Deck deinen Bedarf an Ballaststoffen und Minderalien durch Vollkorngetreide

Vollkorngetreide ist toll für deine Verdauung und dein Herz. Zusammen mit getrocknetem Gemüse ist es vor allem für seinen Gehalt an Ballaststoffen bekannt, aber es enthält auch große Mengen an Mineralien, vor allem Zink.

Vollkorngetreide kann in alltäglichen Nahrungsmitteln wie Brot, Reis, Weizen und Quinoa gefunden werden. Stell auf jeden Fall sicher, dass es immer Vollkorn ist und verwechsle es nicht vermahlenen Körnern.


Nahrungsmittel aus Vollkorngetreide sind reich an Ballaststoffen und Mineralien und geben dir ein längeres Sättigungsgefühl. Wenn es draußen kalt ist und du daher Energie konservieren musst, vor allem um die richtige Körpertemperatur zu halten, dann sind diese kohlenhydratereichen Nahrungsmittel mit einem niedrigen glykämischen Index sogar noch wichtiger.

Wir empfehlen, dass du diese Arten von Nahrungsmitteln 3 bis 4 Mal die Woche konsumierst.


Decke deinen vegetarischen Proteinbedarf mit getrocknetem Gemüse (Hülsenfrüchte)

Getrocknetes Gemüse ist wichtiges, weil es besonders hohe Mengen an vegetarischem Protein, Ballaststoffen, Vitaminen und Mineralien und dabei wenig Fett enthält.

Die vegetarischen Proteine (außer Soja) haben oft nur geringe Mengen an Aminosäuren, daher ist es wichtig, Hülsenfrüchte zusätzlich zu Vollkorngetreide zu essen, damit dein Bedarf an Aminosäuren auf jeden Fall gedeckt wird.

Tatsächlich kann bereits ein Mangel an einer Aminosäure deine Proteinaufnahme insgesamt beeinträchtigen. Hülsenfrüchte wie Bohnen, Erbsen und Linsen sind reich an Lysin, einer Aminosäure die nicht in Getreide gefunden werden kann, die dagegen reich an Methionin sind. Wenn du daher beides konsumierst bekommst du alle essentiellen Aminosäuren.

Wir empfehlen, dass du diese Nahrungsmittel 3 bis 4 Mal in der Woche konsumierst.


Trink immer ausreichen Flüssigkeiten, um Erkältungen vorzubeugen

Wir denken eher im Sommer daran viel zu trinken weil es dann heiß ist, aber im Winter vergessen wir dies oft. Daher leiden viele Menschen im Winter an Dehydrierung, vor allem Kinder und ältere Menschen. Die trockenen Kälte ist einer der Hauptgründe dafür, aber Heizungen zuhause und auf der Arbeit können den selben Effekt haben.


Damit dein Körper so funktioniert wie er es soll ist Hydration essentiell. Unsere Körper bestehen zu 65% aus Wasser, und der Wassergehalt ist je nach Organ unterschiedlich. Das Blut besteht zu 83% aus Wasser; bei Fettgewebe sind es 10%. Das Gehirn hat 70% Wasser, genau wie die Muskeln. Wasser ist daher essentiell dafür, unsere physiologischen Funktionen aufrecht zu erhalten, vor allem weil wir es ständig verlieren. Wir fühlen uns bereits durstig, wenn wir nur 1% des Wassers in unserem Körper verlieren, und dies hat sofortige Auswirkungen auf unsere intellektuelle und physische Leistungsfähigkeit!

Daher empfehlen wir dir, ausreichend Säfte, Suppen und natürlich auch Tee zu trinken! Limitiere aber deinen Konsum an Kaffee und Alkohol!


Nutze den Winter als Möglichkeit, ein Detox-Programm anzufangen – und warum nicht gleich ein Tee-basiertes Detox?

Was genau ist eigentlich ein Detox-Programm? Dabei werden dem Körper Giftstoffe entzogen und er bekommt gleichzeitig Ruhe.

Der Ursprung des Detox kommt aus der Naturheilkunde. Tatsächlich werden bei einem Detox sämtliche Giftstoffe aus dem Körper geschwemmt, und das auf natürliche Art und Weise.

Dabei werden die Organe stimuliert, die Giftstoffe aus dem Körper befördern, so wie die Poren, die Leber, der Darm und die Nieren, damit der Körper komplett gereinigt werden kann.

Ein Detox auf Tee-Basis funktioniert langfristig und setzt dem Körper nicht zu sehr zu. Es ist ein sanftes Programm und extrem vorteilhaft für den Körper. Die Ursprünge kommen aus der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin.

Detox-Tee nutzt verschiedene Teile von Pflanzen, so wie Blätter, Holz, Rinde, Samen und Wurzeln. Diese Teile werden nach verschiedenen Klassifikationen gewählt, die über hunderte von Jahren von Professoren der chinesischen Medizin erstellt wurden.


Um die besten Resultate zu erhalten empfehlen wir, dass du ein Tee-Detox-Programm für mindestens 4 oder noch besser 8 Wochen verfolgst: Detox-Tee 4 oder 8 Wochen. .

Ein Detox auf Tee-Basis ist eines der besten Dinge, die du für deinen Körper tun kannst. Es ist nicht nur ein natürlicher Weg, Giftstoffe aus deinem Körper zu befördern, sondern fördert auch dein Wohlergehen und deine Vitalität und sorgt dafür, dass du fit bleibst!

Why you should start a detox regime as autumn approaches

Autumn and detox regimes

The concept of a detox regime is just as original as it is appealing in terms of the benefits it offers. A detox is one of the most natural ways of refreshing and restoring your body), leaving you slim, detoxified and glowing inside and out.

What exactly is a detox regime?

Today, detox regimes are extremely fashionable, especially in the USA. Indeed, almost all the big names in Hollywood are full of praise for them. The principle behind a detox regime is simple: to remove all the toxins found in the body, whilst giving the body a break at the same time.

Where do toxins come from, and how can we get rid of them?

The body can become clogged up and accumulate waste. Over time, waste products can harm and disrupt the functioning of the body. This can then have results such as fatigue, irritability, a dull complexion, hair loss, reduced resistance to infections, and various other problems which may have a serious impact on your health.

We may note that our diet has changed significantly over recent decades. Around 80% of the foods we eat every day are factory-produced, meaning everything is processed and, above all, made unnatural. These foods may contain ingredients which can be harmful to the body, such as acidifiers, colourings, pesticides or texturising agents.

Toxins may also be produced by the environment. We all know that the world we live in today is a polluted one, its atmosphere saturated with greenhouse gases. But that’s not all – tobacco and alcohol, as well as the consumption of certain medicaments, can also overload the body with toxins.

The origins of detox regimes lie in the principles of naturopathy. Indeed, a detox gets rid of all that is toxic and unnatural in the body, and does so in a natural way.

The most important thing to do during a detox is to control one’s diet, favouring fruit, fresh vegetables and fluids. A detox both helps and stimulates the organs that deal with waste disposal, like the pores, the liver, the intestines and the kidneys, in order to get rid of the toxins found in the body.

What benefits can you expect from a detox regime, and why should you start one as autumn approaches?

The reason why detox regimes are enjoying huge popularity today is because many people have obtained noticeable results from them. After all, when you start a regime like this, you always expect to get benefits from it, don’t you? After following a detox programme for just a few days, you will find yourself feeling as if your body has been renewed and restored from the inside, and more alive than ever before.

A detox allows you to regain energy and to be more resistant to the stress you come up against on a daily basis. By following a detox regime, you will soon find yourself sleeping like a baby once more.

Studies show that the intestine contains hundreds of pathogens such as viruses and bacteria, amongst others. Our body does have a means of protecting itself, that is the gut. However, if the food we eat contains too much sugar, fat or omega 6, this may cause the intestine to deteriorate, as well as provoking inflammatory reactions. Because of this, the intestine is vulnerable. The pathogens migrate towards other systems in the body, and produce harmful effects which impact our health, such as allergies and urine infections.

By starting a detox, you can regain a healthy intestinal ecosystem. Your cells will regenerate in just a matter of days. With a detox regime, you will always get out of the right side of bed! The interaction between neurotransmitters like cortisol, dopamine and serotonin will ensure you are in a good mood every day. And your morale will never be low!

The benefits of a detox do not solely apply to the inside of the body. You can also notice visible exterior effects. A detox will enhance your appearance and give you a fairer, more glowing complexion. It may also help you get back in shape. For overweight individuals, a detox can bring quite remarkable weight loss results.

Our body has been designed to clean itself, but sometimes it can do with a little help. The key is to set off on the right foot before the start of the new season that awaits. Speaking of seasons, summer is coming to an end and autumn is knocking on the door. The effects of the sun on our whole body start to diminish and the days start to get shorter, which impacts our sleeping pattern. The new season also signifies stress and a return to greater activity. We also often find ourselves having to take on new tasks and responsibilities. This is why it’s so important to start a detox once summer is over and as autumn begins.

The main types of detox regime

There are a vast amount of different detox regimes to choose from. Generally, some are based mainly on making modifications to your diet, whilst others are based on manipulation of the body.

Here are a few examples of different detox regimes:

Raw food detoxes, which involve a diet of raw foods only. This type of regime relies solely on living nutrients and enzymes.
“Fasting” detoxes, where solid foods are replaced with liquid nutrients
Protein rich detoxes, with foods that are rich in animal proteins (less than 24 hours in duration)
Micronutrition detoxes, with dietary supplements
Fasciatherapy detoxes, to massage and relieve pain in fibrous body tissues
Osteopathic detoxes, involving visceral osteopathy manipulation.

How long does a detox regime last?

The length of a detox regime can vary a lot. It can vary depending on the effects you are expecting, and how well your body tolerates the regime, but will last between a minimum of 1 day and 60 days at the very most. Some people are after a very quick programme that will last only a few days; others wish to follow a regime at a more leisurely pace, for one or two months. You must however be aware that a detox regime is not a slimming regime. Its primary purpose is to give you a break and to relax the body.

Detox regimes consisting of tea, physical exercise and a controlled diet

A tea-based detox is a type of detox which works on a long-term basis and does not have a harsh effect on the body.
Its target is long-term wellbeing. It’s a gentle regime and one that is extremely beneficial for the body. It originates from traditional Chinese medicine, which itself is more than 2500 years old and is based on five key cornerstones:

  • Qigong, or exercise
  • Dietary regime
  • Use of herbs and medicinal plants
  • Mssage
  • Acuponcture

The tea-based detox regimes offered by suppliers like Happy Detox Tea adopt three of the main aspects of Chinese medicine: exercise, dietary regime and use of herbs and medicinal plants.

Tea or infusion-based detoxes therefore originate from this Chinese medicine. The way they work is linked to the decoction of tea and plants, which allows the plants’ active and aromatic principles to be extracted, as the plants are dissolved in boiling water. All the different parts of plants can be used, such as the leaves, wood, bark, seeds and roots. These plants are chosen according to different classifications that have been drawn up over centuries by professors of Chinese medicine: they are classified by flavour, constitution, meridians and their specific qualities.

The range of detox teas offered by Happy Detox Tea is 100% natural, and all have been formulated by genuine professionals in medicinal plants.

We offer two lengths of detox regime 4-week or 8-week tea detox.

During your tea detox regime, drinking is not enough in itself; it is also vital that you exercise. This is why our teas come with an e-book containing an exercise regime. The regimes we’ve provided for you have been created by sports coaches, and are adapted to suit all ability levels. By doing sport, you speed up the process of eliminating toxins found in the body. It also enables you to strengthen your muscles (stomach, glutes, thighs…) and stimulate your blood vessels.

For a maximum energy level and a perfect detox, you must also follow a good diet and ensure you get all your vitamin and mineral needs. This is why our detox programmes also come with dietary regimes. Our professional coaches guarantee you will get the best results throughout the duration of your detox.

A tea-based detox is one of the best things you can do for your body. Not only is it a natural way of getting rid of toxins found in the body, but it also brings some very satisfying results. More and more people are enthusiastically partaking in detox regimes and thoroughly recommend that you do the same.

Slimming tea from Happy Detox Tea finds its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine

It is important to remember that what is commonly called " slimming tea " is actually a mixt of different plants and not only tea. The tea comes exclusively from the tea plant and specifically the Camellia Sinensis plant as slimming teas are composed of different medicinal plants and herbs and not just tea (green, white, black, oolong or pu'erh). And this, although the thinness characteristics of teas also exist.

Origin of Chinese slimming teas

Chinese slimming tea is closely related to Traditional Chinese Medicine which is inspired by the old Asian medicine and enhanced by the contributions of modern medicine.

Chinese medicine dates back over 2,500 years and its fundamentals are based on the following pillars:

The use of herbs and medicinal plants
Exercise ( Gigong )

The earliest traces of therapeutic practices date back to the Shang Dynasty ( 14th to 11th century BC ) but it's actually from the 11th century BC that the first medicinal plants are used. Historians find at this period some elements that demonstrate a few dozen herbs and plants whose benefits on health are known. In the 16th century, nearly 1 900 compositions of plants and herbs are identified. At the end of the 20th, more than 12 000.

Chinese slimming teas are coming from herbal medicine

Herbal chinese medicine results in the use of plants and herbs decoctions. The decoction is a method of extracting the active ingredients and/or flavorings by dissolving the plan preparation in boiling water. It applies to different parts of plants : roots, seeds, bark, wood, leaves.

In herbal chinese medicine, in the vast majority of decoctions, it is used between 5 and 20 plants. The objective is to play on the complementarities and synergies between plants and avoid negative side effects.

In our Happy Detox Tea preparations, we use 5 plants for Morning Detox Tea and 7 plants for Evening Slimming Tea.

  These ingredients are listed below with their main benefits :

Morning detox tea

Oolong tea : Reduces appetite and boosts energy
Cassia tora : Improves digestion and burns calories
Lotus leaf : Anti-bloating, boosts energy and burns calories
Rhizoma alismatis : Anti-bloating
Gynostemma : Boosts energy

Evening Slimming tea

Crataegus pinnatifida : Improves digestion and burns fats
Poria cocos : Anti-anxiety and natural sleep aid
Orange peel : Improves digestion and anti-anxiety
Cassia tora : Anti-bloating and natural laxative
Lotus leafs : Anti-bloating, boosts energy and burns fat
Pogostemon cablin : Reduces cellulite and anti-bloating
Puer tea : Kill toxins
Plants are chosen for their complementarity and according to their characteristics. There are different classifications for these plants.

Classification according to their nature :

Hot, cold, cool, neutral.
The 'cold' plants will for example deal with problems resulting from excess heat in the body while « hot »plants will treat problems causing a cold effect of the body.

Classification according to their taste :

Acre, bitter, sweet, sour or salty.
Each flavor corresponds to a major organ ( "zang" in Traditional Chinese Medicine ) : Kidneys, Heart , Liver, Spleen/Pancreas and lungs.

Classification according to the meridians (specifically based on the meridians association with organs).

Meridians are in Traditional Chinese Medicine the channels through which "vital" energy circulates in the body.
There are 12 meridians in the body in which the medicinal plants can have an effect.

Classification according to specific benefits

For example « fat burner caracteristics » , « draining caracteristics », « anti-cholesterol caracteristics », etc ...


It is based on these classifications that Chinese herbalists and Chinese professors develop the compositions and especially those that you find in the slimming teas and the detox teas provided by Happy Detox Tea.

Are slimming teas effective before summer?

Since 2012, coming from Australia, slimming teas and detox teas are more and more popular and offer what is commonly called today teatox. The latest is French and is named Happy Detox Tea. Happy Detox Tea offers a range of detox and slimming teas issued from 100% natural traditional Chinese medicine.

Sculpt your body with your teatox

Teas are created for Happy Detox Tea by a professor of traditional Chinese medicine

LHappy Detox Tea teas achieve the detox and slimming goals. These infusions are composed of 10 different ingredients known both in traditional Chinese medicine and by European herbalists. We find for example "puerh" tea, used for its detoxifying virtues and "Cassia seeds" recommended to burn fat or the "fruit of the Chinese hawthorn", known for their ability to quickly eliminate fat. The compositions of the teas were created exclusively for Happy Detox Tea with a Chinese professor expert in tea from the city of Xiamen (Fujian). They were thought to their actions in the search for weight loss and detoxification of the body, without neglecting the taste aspects. Depending on the objective, these different teas should be consumed either at wake up time or before going to bed. All ingredients and their characteristics are detailed on our website. Happy Detox Tea offers slimming treatments and detox cures from 2 to 8 weeks.


The teatox Happy Detox Tea come with a full program of exercise and nutrition tips

To ensure the best results on the body, Happy Detox Tea teas are accompanied by a sports exercise programme and nutrition counseling conducted by a professional coach. Sports programs are aimed at both beginners and more experienced customers. They propose, in 15-minute daily sessions, exercises to work the large muscle groups and thus promote muscle tone and vitality while contributing to the strengthening of the body. The e-book Happy Detox Tea also has some of the schemes recognized by nutritionists as the most effective in the search for weight loss and thinness.

Happy Detox Tea

About Happy Detox Tea

Happy Detox Tea was created in 2016 by a tea enthusiast French entrepreneur who started in 2010 to import and distribute Chinese teas from great origins (green teas, white teas, black teas, oolong teas and puher teas) from tea gardens with craft techniques that meet the criteria of organic farming. Convinced of the many benefits of tea on organisms, Happy Detox Tea was developed with the assistance of a Chinese herbalist professor, in order to go further in search of well-being and health through the consumption of teas and infusions. Happy Detox Tea is now composed of an expert team in tea, nutrition and sports coaching but also in customer relationship to provide the best products and services. The expertise in the field of tea enables Happy Detox Tea to provide directly from producers carefully selected to ensure the quality of production but also the taste and flavors of teas and other ingredients, all 100% natural.

Our 9 food tips to lose weight

Listen to your body, give it what it needs to function well while also bringing you pleasure. We invite you to find a balanced diet that is natural, healthy, fresh, simple and good.
Here are some of our recommendations:
  Do not skip meals.
  Think about your day two snacks (10AM and 4PM): fruit and dried fruit.
  Do not wait to be hungry before you eat.
  Quality of products over quantity.
  Check the portion size of your meal and ensure balanced carbs, protein and fat.
  Use oil rich in omega 3 (olive oil, nuts, avocado).
  Do not overcook your vegetables and lose the vitamins.
  Buy and eat seasonal and local products if possible.
  Hydrate yourself : water, tea ( Do not drink too much coffee, no more than three per day)