Slimming tea from Happy Detox Tea finds its roots in Traditional Chinese Medicine
It is important to remember that what is commonly called " slimming tea " is actually a mixt of different plants and not only tea. The tea comes exclusively from the tea plant and specifically the Camellia Sinensis plant as slimming teas are composed of different medicinal plants and herbs and not just tea (green, white, black, oolong or pu'erh). And this, although the thinness characteristics of teas also exist.
Origin of Chinese slimming teas
Chinese slimming tea is closely related to Traditional Chinese Medicine which is inspired by the old Asian medicine and enhanced by the contributions of modern medicine.
Chinese medicine dates back over 2,500 years and its fundamentals are based on the following pillars:

The earliest traces of therapeutic practices date back to the Shang Dynasty ( 14th to 11th century BC ) but it's actually from the 11th century BC that the first medicinal plants are used. Historians find at this period some elements that demonstrate a few dozen herbs and plants whose benefits on health are known. In the 16th century, nearly 1 900 compositions of plants and herbs are identified. At the end of the 20th, more than 12 000.
Chinese slimming teas are coming from herbal medicine
Herbal chinese medicine results in the use of plants and herbs decoctions. The decoction is a method of extracting the active ingredients and/or flavorings by dissolving the plan preparation in boiling water. It applies to different parts of plants : roots, seeds, bark, wood, leaves.
In herbal chinese medicine, in the vast majority of decoctions, it is used between 5 and 20 plants. The objective is to play on the complementarities and synergies between plants and avoid negative side effects.
In our Happy Detox Tea preparations, we use 5 plants for Morning Detox Tea and 7 plants for Evening Slimming Tea.
These ingredients are listed below with their main benefits : | ||||
Morning detox tea
Evening Slimming tea
Plants are chosen for their complementarity and according to their characteristics. There are different classifications for these plants. |
Classification according to their nature :

Classification according to their taste :

Classification according to the meridians (specifically based on the meridians association with organs).

Classification according to specific benefits

It is based on these classifications that Chinese herbalists and Chinese professors develop the compositions and especially those that you find in the slimming teas and the detox teas provided by Happy Detox Tea.